24 April 2009

cindy home studio

After seeing seline and sherin's family portrait taken by the professional, we were inspired to do one too.. BY OURSELVES OF COURSE! Today, arm with only a gorilla tripod stand and our laoyah digital camera, we set up our very own home studio in the living room. I also used GW's desktop lamp for more lighting as my living room is quite dim.

Did this right after a very fulfilling dinner at Shuwen's place, I looked very terok with no makeup nothing on. (whatever... just get over it)

The hardest part was to make sure xiaohua stay put for 10seconds because she kept wanting to run away. We grabbed her tight and the pictures turned out like these... with xiaohua looking totally traumatized!

My rabbit has the coolest double chin

After looking at the pictures again, i thought i can improve them by:

1) Putting on make up and wearing nicer clothes
2) Getting a good backdrop( am thinking if i should use my curtains)
3) Learning how to hold xiaohua properly and pose
4) Buying a SLR camera
5) OH BOTHER! Just get it professionally done and save yourself the trouble from doing 1-4!!!

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