23 April 2012

Short break to the capital of Sweden

So happy to be back home!!! Spending 6 hours stuck in the car with a 11 month old baby is so not fun. Plus the stockholm weather is insane - raining and snowing during the first 2 days of our trip. Never take any pictures outdoors, too cold to even want to take out the camera at all. So mostly are food pictures!!

We arrived quite late at Kungsbron hotel, it was drizzling and we had dinner at Pong's restaurant but totally forgotten to take any photos when faced with the shiok like mad dimsum + thai + sushi buffet. We were tired after a long day of traveling so we just call it a day and head back for some rest.

Our 2nd day in Stockholm- SNOWING!!! Mad right!

Our only stuff on our itinerary was shopping and the Army Museum. We were wet and shivering in the cold and had to seek shelter at the nearest Macdonalds. It's a good thing hat the Macdonalds in Sweden has a microwave for warming up baby food. Elliot had his lunch (baby bottled food) there while we warmed ourselves with some hot coffee.

Then it's more shivering in the cold and wet until we found a sushi place to have dagens lunch.
SUSHI YAMA! Pricey but their sushi is tastier (according to GW) than Kalmar's.
I ordered a Bento set.

His 18 pcs sushi mix and free flow miso soup.

Gave Elliot a chopstick and he started stirring my food with it.

Elliot discreetly stuffed a thin piece of radish into his mouth

Some pictures from the Army Museum.

Everything was written in swedish and was glad the entrance ticket includes a free audioguide.

Here we see a pair of couple paktoring and the audio guide was talking about the decline in birth rate during war. Yah of course who in the right mind will want to give birth during a war!!!

GW will die if he never disturb the guy

Inside the room of crime and punishment.
Looks painful.

And they have a miniature version for visitors to try (at their own risk)

Old school canteen!!!

And they are playing oldies from this vintage jukebox.
Okay I'm just pretending to look like I'm dancing to the song.
You can just ignore me.

Then we came to this area with an assortment of rifles

Dig gold with the sword?

I was trying to take a non-flash picture and asked GW to keep still so the picture will not turn out blurry.
But the rifles are too heavy and GW was shaking when he tried to hold still for me.
YOU THOUGHT YOU ARE "SHI TAI LONG" (Sylvester Stallone) arh?
In the end gotta take one with flash.

GW took super alot of rifles pictures, I'm only gonna post one here!
Lazy to resize lah....

After spending 4 hours in the museum, we are going back to hotel to freshen up and get ready for dinner

Dinner at Stockholm Hardrock cafe. Our third time there! 
And GW must order his favourite mango berry cooler.

And my double berry cooler.

Our platter is here!

Catching the metro back.
It's almost 10pm and Elliot is looking stone here...

But don't know why he's so full of energy when we reached the hotel.

Giving me the "I-don't-wanna-sleep" face

Last day in Stockholm and I finally see some sun.
Pizzahut lunch.

Got so hungry meh....

They don't have scampi pizza there!!!

Actually wanna cheong 1 more time at Pong's restaurant before we go but they close for renovation!!!
 Got so coincidental or not... Good thing we ate there on our first night.

Last picture to end our short break and probably our last (Europe) roadtrip.
Hello Singapore, we are counting down! 
Boxes are here already, can start packing liao...

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