15 May 2010

10 random things on my mind

1) I reckon Spring lost its way somewhere.

2) I regretted not buying that cute little strawhat hair accessory from H&M when I was in NYC. I can't find it anywhere in Karlskrona. Sobs.

3) Hello, I want Crispy. Drum and Thigh.

4) Primark is the only place I will stop by and shop in London.

5) Expelliarmus!!! (OK i know this is really random)

6) To those out there who thinks I'm just plain wasting time doing nothing for so long, do not feel sorry for me because I must say the feeling is so damn shiok!!! So please go get a life if you can.

7) I baked egg tarts on three different occassions and all fail.

8) Blimey. I've been blogging for 5 years. I wonder who reads my rubbish.

9) My mum is the one maintaining my Fishville, Cafeworld and Farmville accounts in Facebook. She can't bear to let the fishies starve.

10) I need to go to sleep now.

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