23 September 2009


Xiaohua's been peeing and pooing everywhere in the house and the pee stench is killing me, and I have no choice but to do this long procrasinated major house cleaning today. The last one was done when cedric came to stay, which was almost a month ago... so now you know how disgusting I am :P

Yup, so when i was cleaning the toilet bowl, I suddenly wanted to give thanks to God for keeping me in His good hands all these while. And when I moved on to scrub the sink, I thanked God for blessing me with a loving husband. He gave me someone who serves relentlessly, someone whom I could rely on, someone who encourages and accepts me for who I am. And when I proceeded to polish the mirror, I thanked God for surrounding me with positive people and good friends to warm my gloomy days.

This went on and on until I finished cleaning up my whole house. But guess what... I'm still not done with counting all the blessings He's given me! There's just plenty of wonderful things to thank God for!

To end this posting, I wanna share this article I came across earlier.



我们曾经以为在我们读完学位,找到一个工作,结了婚,或是开始建立家庭以后,生活就会好一些。但是后来我们感到很懊恼,因为孩子太小,让我们不能随心所欲,于是我们想,等到他们长大了,我们就会快乐一点。突然间,我们又有青少年要对付,然后我们希望他们能快快度过这个时期。我们相信这会使我们快乐一点。 我们对自己说,只要我们买了一辆新车,一个大房子,完成我们梦寐以求的旅游,我们就会更加快乐了。

到这时辰,我们在‘愿望’中消耗了青春,然后,我们告诉自己,等到我们退休以后,万事就都OK了。 但事实是,要享受你的生命,再没有比享受现在,更好的了。。 神告诉我们,我们的生命一直都会充满着挑战与试探。我们如何回应这些情况,才是关键。所以要定意喜乐,不论如何!

苏爱弗 (Alfred Souza) 说,“长久以来,我都以为生命-真实的生命,就快要开始了。但是总有拦阻发生,有些事情必需先要处理掉,未完成的工作,时间紧迫我们,这是必需偿还的债。然后生命就真正的开始了。 最后,我才茅塞顿开,原来,这些拦阻正是我的生命。”在你计划明天的时候,喜乐着过今天吧!



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