01 October 2008

happy childrens day everyone!

Childrens day reminds me of my primary school days (and sharity elephant if u know what is it). On this day, the teachers give you sweets & chocolates all nicely wrapped up. They sing & dance on the stage for you... they don't scold you even if u forgot to do your homework! Ok, i exagerrated.

Talking about childhood, I used to read alot of Enid Blyton series back in school because the teacher forced us to. And Sherin happened to have this neat collection of Enid Blyton books in her house, and my eyes sparkled when I saw "The Enchanted Wood"! I used to have a copy of "The Magic Faraway Tree" which was handed down by my xiaogu. I loved the story so much that I re-read it like a million times. The version I had was much thicker with more adventures and also their cousin Dick came to stay with them.

I totally so envy the kids who found the Enchanted Tree :)
Sometimes I wish I can climb to the very top and visit the land of take-what-you-want, land of magic medicines, land of presents blah blah blah.. I want to try the toffee shock and Silky's pop biscuits then slip down the slippery slip from Moonface's house.

Oh, i am digressing so much but I just can't help it.

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