05 September 2014

Going bananas over bananas

One fine day, Mummy was feeling generous and rewarded us with a banana each.

WAH you eat already ah... BO JIO!!!
Help me to peel the skin can?

Can't you see I'm busy watching the return of Jafar?
It's the ganchiong part already!! Oom nom nom...

Simi....Ok I shall use my 绝招 now.
Wahh wahh wahh... 
Wah men ti wah men ti!!!

Yes I did it (again)!!!!
Banana is totally worth going bananas for.


sQ said...

Both of them are so cute!! *muacks*

Cindy said...

Thanks sq! They can be quite a handful at times, mama here mama there... never fail to drive me up the wall. But gotta remind myself that they are growing up very fast and very soon they wouldn't need me anymore so better cherish whatever that's coming my way :)