09 January 2017

Kids talk

A short conversation with Elliot during lunch earlier.

Me: Elliot what do you want to be when you grow up?

Elliot: *thinks hard* MOUSTACHIO.

Me: ???

Elliot: Moustachio 是卖很多 moustache 给人放在鼻子来做 handsome prince 的

Me: How are you going to make the moustaches? Are you going to use your hair to make them?

Elliot: No, we use new moustaches and you need to give me some scotstape to stick it below the nose and you can become a king.

Me: How much are you selling your moustaches?

Elliot: $1. Ehhh noooo..  $100.

Then I turned to Leah and asked her the same question. She answered me in a heartbeat.

我要做 Princess Poppy. 

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