09 May 2012

It's been a year already.

I could still remember that fateful day.

My waterbag broke, contraction pains kicked in, the green gymball, the cervix not dilating, mad woman's cries, that horrid gas mask, puked, the epidural shot, my hubby asking me to push harder... (read more here)

After being the lead actress of my own action packed movie for 22 hours, a cute little fatty came to this world!

Elliot, approximately 30 minutes old.

We thank God for blessing us with our precious little boy! It's been an awesome privilege to able to watch him grow and to be there to witness the many milestones in his first year.

The valued memories of his first smile, his first tooth, his first crawl and his first step...
I will hold them close to my heart forever.

Elliot, 12 months later.
Scooting around happily on his toes.

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