15 April 2012

14 April 2012 - Xiaohua is not with us anymore....

One last hug before we send her to the pet shop.
Xiaohua, I really miss you.
I wonder what are you doing now.

We will never give you up for any amount of money offered to us.
We gave you to Ulrika because she is the only person we could entrust and worthy to have you and take care of you. You will be happier there with the company of other animal friends.

Xiaohua was only 14 days old when she came to live with us.
She was so cute and tiny with both ears pointing upwards.

 Thank you for being our precious xiaohuamao for the past 4 years.


Tan said...

:( but why need to give up xiao hua Mao so soon? U guys coming back le?? I tot may??

PrEeZ said...

Xiaohua not coming back to sg?

Cindy said...

Priyah, xiaohua is not coming to sg with us. We gave her to the nice lady who always help take care of her when we go for holidays.

Haz, we gave earlier cuz we are going for our short trip to legoland and Stockholm. Normally we will pay a small fee to the pet shop lady to help take care of xiaohua for us but since we r giving it to her then a bit pointless to take rabbit back then bring to pet shop again after a few weeks.

Chang tong bu ru duan tong.
Translate: Rather short pain than long pain???