19 December 2018

BKK Day 3: Our touristy Tuk Tuk ride

Our first Tuk Tuk in Bangkok!
Didn't cross our mind to ride on a Tuk Tuk during our past visits because 
1) no aircon
2)dangerous [乱乱cut来cut去]
3) confirm get 砍菜头 by the driver. 
4) 坐taxi不是更爽? 

However we thought it would be fun to go on a "thrill ride" as a family and gave in to the idea since we are just riding for a short distance.

Flagged one right outside our hotel and bargained down to 100 baht.

Hello Kitty cafe, here we come...

Family welfie.
The kids love it so much and have been asking for a Tuk Tuk ride whenever they see one!

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