04 June 2016

It's morphin' time!!!

Aloysius jiu jiu birthday!!!
Go go power rangers~ der-der-der-der-der
His special meat tower cake.

Cass handmade power ranger masks for everyone according to our preferred colours. 

Red, pink and yellow rangers.
I was 13 years old when I watched my first power ranger show on TV. 
Brings back so much memories.
Lucy Liu was the yellow ranger then.

Birthday boy as black ranger
Used to wonder why the power rangers love taking morphine all the time until I realise they meant MORPHIN' TIME, which is their official calling to morph into power rangers.

Epic picture of two kids standing very still and looking very lost because they can't see a thing behind their masks.
And everyone was asking them to LOOK HERE LOOK HERE (at the camera)!!!

Happy birthday to you my dear cousin, also known as everyone's favourite jiu jiu

Thank you for having us :)
The perks of staying so near to the Gohs. 

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