17 February 2012

Elliot, what kind of crawler are you?

I read an article online that says an average baby starts crawling at 8 months of age. My Elliot is 9 months old now and he's still not crawling on his fours yet. But he sure has his own way to manoeuvre around. There are many kinds of baby crawls listed on the internet. There's crab crawl, commando crawl, bear crawl, classic crawl. But I couldn't decipher Elliot's kind of crawl so I made up one for him.

It's call the Sadako (禎子) crawl.
I think it would be fun to make a cardboard TV out of boxes and make him crawl through it like sadako.

A video of Elliot "sadako-ing" and complaining at the same time.
The whining sounds like: How far you want me to struggle my way to the PSP!?!
Very tiring one you know!!!


~Summer~ said...

lol he sounds so pek cek, "mummy, stopppp it! give it to meeee!" what a name for a crawl lor. keke. definitely unique. i think he's going to pick up his speed pretty fast! =)

slegna said...

HAHAHAH!!! so cute! don't worry! Alvin's nephew also crawled really funny! Elliot is super cute :)

Cindy said...

Summer: Hmm, yah really sounds like pek chek. HAHAHAHHAA!!! He's only willing to move his ka chng for PSP and TV remote control!

Sher: I went to re-read all my past entries and all the silly stuff we did last time. I MISSSSS YOU LIKE MAD!