21 March 2014

March holidays ended on a high note

Dinner buffet at ritz carton, greenhouse restaurant. Me very full until want to die. Fetching the kids from parents-in-law place later and after tucking them to bed, its walking dead season 4 marathon time!!! 
Ho Ho!! I could get use to this.


sQ said...

I haven had Ritz Carton Buffet! Was it good? Must be right since you ate until very full!! Keke..

Cindy said...

SQ, the ambience is nice, better than melt cafe, Mandarin Oriental. They have oysters (melt doesn't have) and very delish baked lobsters. But IMO, Todai has better oysters :)

sQ said...

The times I dined at Melt The World Cafe; they serve oysters ar~~ Yah; TODAI's oysters are not bad! =))

Cindy said...

Really??! We went there no oysters arh. Tioh chiak!!!! Todai oyster looks "fatter" hahaha!