29 June 2010

Baked a strawberry tart :)

Bake the tart crust, spread the custard cream on it and then decorate with many many fresh strawberries.

Xiaohua loves my strawberry tart

25 June 2010

彼得前书 5:7 你要把一切忧虑卸给神,因为他顾念你。

回想童年时候 不知道什么叫忧愁
随着年岁增多 烦恼也跟着多
许多人忙忙碌碌的追求 却没有平安喜乐

你看天上飞鸟 快乐自在翱翔
你看野地的花 如此美丽芬芳
慈爱的天父会养活它们 它们就不必烦忧

24 June 2010

Midsummer party 2010

This year's midsummer may pole was prepared by GW and a few of his other colleagues. They went into some woods/forest (dunno where lah) yesterday and chopped branches off trees to make it.
Effort leh, must take picture!

Today's weather: Scorching hot + little or no wind.
And my freckles happily multiplied by themselves like nobody's business.

Sherin spent 1 hour curling her hair. Something which I can never accomplish. Too impatient I guess.
Yes yes we are acting kawaii

Hello Zann and Shuwen, long time no see leh!

Baby Yuhan is 4 months old already. She's so cuteeeee, she is playing with Shuwen's ear :)

Ivy, 1 more baby ok?
I know you want lah! HAHA

Hmm... The hot weather makes her sleepy.

The guys, sitting around and waiting for the buffet to start.

Me, Shuwen and Lixia :)
Hungry liao.

MTV shoot.

Lovely couple.

Candid shot of Joel.
Hmm, I wonder what's on his mind...

The cutest BFF ever.

When I first saw this picture, I thought my arms must be abnormally long to reach Summer's shoulder

I Heart fresh strawberries and ice cream!

Kersin and baby Alonza enjoying strawberries together :)

I've really got nothing better to do, I cast a shadow of a dog on Shuwen face.
Haiss, I can't help but think when midsummer is over, it means winter is coming?