02 April 2010

Alvin's birthday falls on April Fool's day

Together with Jeremy and Seline, we all crashed into Alvin's place with a surprise birthday cake.

Didn't have 27 candles so he had to make do with celebrating his 30th birthday instead.

Blowing out the candles and ready to open his birthday gift.

Alvin, the self proclaimed Pornsak look-alike inflating his present, the love cow.

Poor Daisy, she got violated by a bian tai.

And the guys got curious and started checking out Daisy's XXX

Yes, this was the XXX.

Birthday boy very lor soh.

Awesome people!

P/S: I just googled 李莫愁 and  her 绝技 are 拂尘、冰魄银针、赤练神掌、三无三不手、柳叶刀法 and 五毒神掌。。。 So who exactly is the one who mastered 寒冰掌???

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