28 February 2009

we had a long friday

Our initial friday plan was to have sushi lunch at a legendary sushi restaurant near telenor. Legendary because everyone heard of it but none had actually been there before. We heard enough and were all out to try their sushi since everyone was craving for it. When we reached the place, Shuwen went to check out the sushi restaurant in the building while the rest of us waited in the car. It was ard 12.30 in the afternoon and Shuwen came back minutes after, shaking her head.

"Their sushi sold out liao and now they are serving western set lunch."

How can it be be? It's not even 1pm and it's sold out? Unless the chef only prepare 3 precious roll of sushi everyday.

This sushi restaurant remains a myth.

We had a quick lunch at the nearby cafe and on our way to the indoor playground, didi wouldn't stop crying in the car. I let him sit, he cry. I let him stand he also cry. I can't handle kids i guess.

At the playground, didi got attacked by a crocodile

I wrestled with it

tamed it


Then we found a starfish

We took our rabbits for a walk, which was quite insane because it was gettting dark and the temperature went down to 1 degree.

Sherin and her kuro, yes that black fluffy thing on the grass! Kuro was very active, hopping around enjoying freedom unlike Xiaohua stoning at the same spot all the time.

I was too looking forward to Spring. Hence this is me freezing in this thin cardigan.

The day ended with our Friday late night movie and Milo Dinosaur Party at my place! Remember that lousy horror show??? HAHAHHAA!!!

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